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Historical Data available immediately

ibaHD-Server allows you to continuously save data acquired with ibaPDA. Find events from the past with a mouse click, navigate and zoom quickly from the year, month or week view into the milliseconds range. Use ibaHD-Server to analyze your data over a long period of time and to automatically create day, shift or monthly reports.


ibaHD-Server at a Glance

Product Highlights

Product Features

Integration of ibaHD-Server in the iba System


ibaHD-Server at a Glance


  • Continuous recording of measured data and events over a long time period
  • Simultaneous recording from several ibaPDA systems and import of measurement files
  • Direct access to historical data with intuitive use for visualization, such as scrolling, jumping to a date
  • Quick zoom function from the annual, monthly or weekly overview down to the range of milliseconds
  • Display and filtering of historical events and joint visualization with measurement data
  • Long term analysis of historical data with ibaAnalyzer and ibaDaVIS
  • Storage of measurement data and additional information in defined time periods enables the fast analysis of shifts, process steps, etc.
  • Automatic calculation of KPIs and automatic reporting with ibaDatCoordinator and ibaAnalyzer
  • API for access to historical data from 3rd party applications

Product Highlights

The modular product concept allows highly flexible configuration options and provides perfectly tailored solutions for varying needs.

Visualization from the annual overview down to the milliseconds range

Thanks to the special storage principle for measurement data in ibaHD-Server, it is possible to display the measured signals over the entire acquisition period in one trend view in the ibaPDA client or in the trend view in ibaAnalyzer. With a simple zoom function, the displayed time section can be quickly resolved down to months, weeks, days or even milliseconds. Thus, suddenly occurring irregularities in a continuous process can be detected as well as slowly developing trend deviations.


One single server for more than one HD data store

One ibaHD-Server can be used for administrating more than one HD store. Both the time-based and length-based recording of signals as well as the recording of event messages are treated like the recording of a measurement file in ibaPDA.


Rapid Access to Events from the Past

Messages for product changes or noticeable process conditions can be defined as events and stored in the ibaHD-Server. The events are controlled by trigger conditions and they can be supplemented with information about the current state from text signals or directly from measurement signals from ibaPDA server.


Product Features


ibaHD-Server has an integrated SNMP server and can be integrated into a company-wide network management system according to the SNMP protocol. SNMP protocols V1, V2c and V3 are supported.

Searching signal conditions

It is also possible to search signal conditions in any given time period and, for example, to find outliers and limit value exceedances. 

Continuous Data Recording over Long Periods of Time

Thanks to its ability to store measure ment data continuously over long periods of time, ibaHD- Server offers unique opportunities for analysis for different data and requirements as a central and open data platform.

Global database allows a comprehensive process image

This means that measurement signals from live processes together with values from post-processing are directly available in a global database over a long period of time and open up completely new analysis opportunities.

Time periods open new possibilities for storage and analysis

Time periods mark a time range within a time-based HD store, such as one process step, one shift, or one day. The start and end of the time periods can be specified using triggers or times.

Attach Additional Information Directly at the Origin Time

Pre-defined or free texts can be placed as annotations in the HD trend view. This means additional information can be documented with the correct time and also supplemented by images, PDF documents or other files.

User Management

To protect the data in ibaHD-Server against unauthorized access, the user management offers the possibility to assign authorizations to individual users.

Video Images Extend Analysis Options

The combination of historical data and video images expands the possibilities for analyzing processes or failures. Video images provide additional visual information wherever processes are difficult to measure or cannot be reliably detected by sensors.

All data for a process step available quickly and at a glance

Time periods are displayed in the ibaPDA client in the time period table that can be filtered. With specific queries, e.g. for certain time ranges or production data, suitable time periods can be found quickly and the associated signals and data can be analyzed efficiently.

More than saving data with backups

The backup function offers flexible options for individual backup strategies for HD stores. In this way, the data backup can be automated or manually done according to custom parameters.

License-free offline analysis with backups

Backups generated with ibaHD-Server can be read and analyzed with ibaAnalyzer for free without a license. In this way, you can analyze HD data independently of the productive system. Very long periods of time can also be analyzed with attached backups.

Simply Import Data Files

Measurement files in DAT format created with ibaPDA can be integrated into an HD store via an import process. For this purpose it is possible to import data files or entire data file directories into an HD store and measurement data can be entered with the correct time.

Convenient administration with ibaHD-Manager

The ibaHD-Manager is used for diagnostics, administration and configuration of the ibaHD-Server service as a central management tool.

Modular Product Design

The basic licenses for ibaHD-Server are graded according to the number of signals and comprise one ibaHD-Server, two HD data stores and two HD clients. One time period can be used with the basic license.

Automatic e-mail messages

Status messages from ibaHDServer can be sent immediately to defined recipients using the e-mail function. E-mails can be sent automatically by means of predefined trigger signals.

Integration of ibaHD-Server in the iba System

Tailor-made analyses of HD data

Interactive analysis with ibaAnalyzer

Data from ibaHD-Server can be conveniently retrieved, displayed and analyzed with the ibaAnalyzer analysis program. It is just as easy to access HD data as it is to open a measurement file. The big advantage of ibaHD-Server is that the aggregated data can be displayed over a larger period of time than is possible with measurement files - for example over a week, a month or even longer period of time.


Automatically post-process HD data and extract information

HD data can be automatically processed with the software ibaDatCoordinator. A time period can be configured in ibaDatCoordinator for which the data from ibaHD-Server is to be read and processed. Based on the HD data, so-called offline events can also be generated or the data can be processed like measurement files, for example to calculate characteristic values (KPIs) and extract these KPIs into databases or to use them in reports.


Open data platform for any type of data analysis

Access to HD data with customer-specific systems
The product ibaHD-Server-V2-API-Read is a programming interface (API: Application Programming Interface) that can be used to query historical data and events from the HD stores by external systems.


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